Our Badge & Stars educational gymnastics classes help kids to Grow Through Movement by developing their strength, flexibility, agility and coordination in a fun environment.  Children will also learn to listen and follow instructions, acquire determination, discipline and grit, by working on skill repetition and continued improvement, to achieve milestones in a steady progression.

Our Badge & Stars classes are broken into age groups, then Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced skill levels. Skills are broken down into clear progressions and tested twice yearly.  Gymnasts and their parents are able to clearly and easily track their progress on the app under evaluations and gymnasts will receive a badge when they pass a level.  

Our classes continue throughout the year and your child may commence at any time. When you book your child in for a trial, or enrol them in a class, your child will automatically be booked/enrolled into the next available class, at the day/time you selected.

Please ensure that you book your child’s trial or enrol for your selected class, in the week that you would like your child to commence. We are unable to book/enrol your child for a future date, holding vacant spots in classes.

Our Badge & Stars evaluations tab in the app lists the skills which your child will be developing in training. To ensure progress and success, the skills of each level have been broken down into achievable steps.

As each skill is displayed and achieved, during mid-year and end-of-year testing sessions skills will be marked off. Once all skills of each colour level have been mastered, the appropriate coloured badge will be awarded, and your child is ready to move to the next level.

What's Next?

If your child is interested in trying something other than a recreational gymnastics class. Here are some alternatives. Visit our classes page for even more options.

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