Northcote Carpark
A quick reminder that it is not acceptable to stop and park in the middle of the road, not only is this not safe, it also risks causing a backlog of traffic. Please use our provided undercroft parking as a drop off/pick up zone, this is the intention of our 5 minute undercroft parking spaces. If you intend to stay for longer than 5-minutes we kindly ask that you find a spot for your car in one of our parallel parks, or park on Beavers Road, or surrounding streets. During our daytime Tiny Tornadoes classes, parents are welcome to park in the undercroft car spots. We really appreciate your help with this!
We are giving you an opportunity to win a $40 Twisters Shop voucher* by designing and sharing your own gymnastics routine! You can choose your own apparatus (depending on what is available to you) and which skills you would like to include. The things we will be looking for will be strong motorbike landings, good basic shapes, safety (using only skills within your own ability), and the linking of different skills to form a routine. You can perform your routine at home, in the playground, wherever you like; as long as it is safe. Routines should be no longer than one minute, and will be judged on originality and ability to demonstrate skills at your own level. Share your routine to one of our social media platforms and you are in the running!
*Voucher only redeemable on merchandise purchased from the Twisters Shop and no change will be given for any unused portion.
The Paralympics have arrived!
Best wishes to all of our Australian Paralympians competing in Paris 2024! We avidly believe that sport is for everyone and we are so excited to be cheering on the Aussies, and all of the athletes, during the Paralympics
Upcoming Holiday Programs and Workshops
It is almost that time again! In preparation for the next round of school holidays, we wanted to take this opportunity to provide you with some reminders:
• Make-up tokens cannot be used as a form of payment for holiday programs. This offering came to an end at the beginning of 2023, you can read Dan’s personal and honest blog post about this here.
• Twisters does not offer government subsidies for any of holiday programs.
• As Northcote runs classes through one week of the school holidays, we only offer full and half day programs during the first week of school holidays, and workshops during the second.If you would like to book into one of our next programs or workshops, you can book in here!
Footy Colours Day
It is that time of year – Spring is in the air and the football finals are here! That means it is time to show your true colours and support a very important cause.
The Twisters Footy Colours Day event, which helps to raise money for the Fight Cancer Foundation to run support programs and accommodation for children with cancer and their families, will run from Monday 2 September until Sunday 15 September. We ask all Twisters gymnasts and their families to wear their favourite sports gear in the gym during this time, and to make a donation if you are able. Coaches will also be wearing their sporting gear and supporting the cause during this fortnight.It is that time of year – Spring is in the air and the football finals are here! That means it is time to show your true colours and support a very important cause.
The Twisters Footy Colours Day event, which helps to raise money for the Fight Cancer Foundation to run support programs and accommodation for children with cancer and their families, will run from Monday 2 September until Sunday 15 September. We ask all Twisters gymnasts and their families to wear their favourite sports gear in the gym during this time, and to make a donation if you are able. Coaches will also be wearing their sporting gear and supporting the cause during this fortnight.
Just for fun we will run a tally on each venue to see which venue raises the most money, as well as keeping an overall Twisters tally. Be sure to click on your venue name if you wish for your donation to count towards the individual venue tally. Please click on one of the links below if you are able to make a donation and help us to raise as much money as we can.
Important Dates
👉 September 2nd | Monthly membership fee will be charged
👉 22nd September – 29th September | Northcote term 3 break
👉 27th September | Grand Final Public Holiday
* If you ever need to check important dates to pop into your calendar or to plan accordingly, you can find those on our website, here.
Get Social!
Do you follow Twisters on Instagram or Facebook? We post throughout the week with exciting gymnast skill features, reminders of gym closures and important information, skill progressions and so much more!
Loads of great content, so come and follow along!
📲 Instagram | @twistersgym
🤳 Facebook | @TwistersGymnastics
Gymnast of the Month
Congratulations to our Gymnasts of the Month!

Northcote GoM | Patrick
Here is why Coach Kiana nominated Patrick…
I nominated Patrick as Gymnast of the Month because of his consistent enthusiasm and skill progression in Ninja Gym! Patrick is always engaged in class, trying his best, and ready for a challenge, no matter what! Patrick’s positivity and enthusiasm is contagious. With an amazing wall-run and super monkey bar skills, Patrick is always motivated to try out something new, progressing into an amazing ninja! He is also a great listener and is always happy to explain an activity to a friend. Well done Patrick!
When did you start gymnastics? Last year
What is your favourite thing about gym? The monkey bars!
Do you do any other activities? Swimming
What is your favourite movie? Minions
Favourite gymnastics skill? Needle kicks on the beam
What gymnastics skill have you always wanted to learn? Climbing the ropes to the top
If you could have any superpower, what would you choose? Super strength
What do you want to be when you are older? I want to be lots of things

Showgrounds GoM | Ezra
Here is why Coach Ruby nominated Ezra…
I nominated Ezra for Gymnast of the Month because he always brings enthusiasm to class! He is a hardworking individual who is always eager to jump into new skills and give everything a go! He always comes to class on Sunday with a huge smile on his face, ready to participate in whatever theme we have going on with tinies! He is an absolute joy to teach and to have in class! Congratulations Ezra!
When did you start gymnastics? Last year!
What is your favourite thing about gym? Bars and log rolls
Do you do any other activities? Crab walking
What is your favourite movie? Trolls and Inside Out
Favourite gymnastics skill? Skipping
What gymnastics skill have you always wanted to learn? Handstands
If you could have any superpower, what would you choose? To be Ironman!
What do you want to be when you are older? Policeman

Torquay GoM | Eitan
Here is why Coach Jorja nominated Eitan…
Eitan is so bright and bubbly! I love the positivity he brings to our Tricksters class. He is always looking for opportunities to improve his gymnastics skills by asking plenty of questions and bringing his best to every session. By continuously encouraging and respecting his peers, he also really embodies our Twisters value ‘we make our mates better’. I’m really looking forward to seeing Eitan’s love for gymnastics continue to grow and develop!
When did you start gymnastics? 9 months ago
What is your favourite thing about gym? Everything!
What is your favourite movie? Most movies
What is your favourite food? Pizza
Favourite gymnastics skill? The Ninja window
What gymnastics skill have you always wanted to learn? Front flip
If you could have any superpower, what would you choose? Telekinesis
What do you want to be when you are older? Chef