
Parent Surveys
In the coming weeks parents will receive a survey, via email, from Twisters! Our intention is to send you these surveys twice a year, and we are welcoming your feedback on both our venues and our coaches. We would really encourage you to be open and honest with us on these surveys so that we can put your feedback into action. They’ll take only a couple of minutes to complete, and your feedback will be invaluable to us!

Respect of Twisters Staff
Recently we have witnessed some really horrible treatment of our staff.
We are here to provide a safe, fun and happy environment for your children to Grow Through Movement. Our staff deserve to be treated with respect and deserve to have a safe working environment without negativity. Please take a breath and be kind.
Let this serve as a reminder that we will not tolerate abuse, threatening behaviour or personal attacks on our staff. These attacks are happening via email, over the phone, at our front desks, and on occasion our coaches have been targeted. All of these instances are completely inappropriate.
Our staff do not deserve to be on the receiving end of your frustration, so if you cannot be kind to our staff, you will no longer be welcome in our venues.

Office Hours and Front Desks
At the moment, we find ourselves short staffed at all of our venue front desks, as well as our back end admin (phone, emails, online bookings, live chat). We are working very hard to solve this and bring some new people on board! We really appreciate your patience and understand with our small admin team. Everyone is working their hardest and we really are happy to help, it just may take us a little longer at the moment…

Car Parking at Northcote
During our daytime Tiny Tornadoes classes, parents are welcome to park in the undercroft car spots (the undercroft is a pick up/drop off zone during after school hours, our peak times). Lately we’ve noticed more Tinies families arriving much earlier than their class time (15-20 minutes) to find a car spot. Please keep in mind that we have purposely schedule our class times with a 10-minute gap between classes so that cars will be vacating, as you arrive for your lesson. Revolving car parks!
For our new Twisters members, a quick reminder to please only park in our marked Twisters car spaces and not in any other businesses along the driveway. Our undercroft is a drop off/pick up zone only, for after school and weekend hours, to keep traffic moving. If you intend to stay for longer than 5-minutes, you’ll need to find a spot for your car outside of the undercroft or park on Beavers Road or surrounding streets and walk into the gym. We really appreciate your help with this!

Mid-Year Testing
For all of our programs except for Tiny Tornadoes.

Our mid-year testing is fast approaching – please make a note of these dates, Monday 22nd May to Sunday 4th June.
Testing will occur during your child’s regular scheduled classes, and there is no need for the kids to be nervous! During this time our classes will look a little different – you’ll see extra coaches out on the floor, some coaches with iPads during sessions (to mark off achieved skills), and the kids will be taking turns going through the skills.
During this time we do not allow make ups or trials. Why? Because we want to minimise disruptions to regular classes and allow everyone to get through their testing so that both they, and you, can track their progress so far this year!
If you haven’t already, in the coming weeks you will receive a poster and stickers from your child’s coach. Please keep these in a safe place! Once testing is complete, your child’s skill achievements will be uploaded to the Parent Portal. We will send out an email full of information closer to the time. Happy testing!

Make Up Token Reminders
Make up tokens are a benefit of having an active enrolment with us here at Twisters, we provide you with a make up token every time you have to miss your child’s class due to illness, holiday, or any other reason.

A few quick reminders:
👉 Make up tokens hold no monetary value and cannot be used in lieu of fees.
👉 You need to have an active membership with Twisters to use your tokens.
👉 Make up tokens have a 90-day expiry from the date they are issued.

We are no longer offering the option to use make up tokens towards holiday programs and workshops. This opportunity was around for a short period of time, ending after our January 2023 holiday programs. There was never a policy in place regarding this, but instead if was an offering to try to help parents use their make up tokens from throughout the COVID period. We appreciate your understanding with this and are glad to many parents were able to take advantage while this was being offered!

We are understand that sometimes it can be hard to find a time to come in for a make up because classes are full. So here are a few tips…
👉 If you know that you are going to be away, you can make yourself absent using the Parent Portal, or using the Twisters app, in the ‘Future Absences’ section. If we know that a child will be away for a class, we are able to pop other kids into that spot for a make up lesson!
👉 If you are having difficulties finding make up class options, please get in touch with the office so that we can help you find a solution! We want kids to be coming to class and not missing out on their gymnastics!
👉 You can also book yourself into make up classes using the Parent Portal, or the Twisters app under the ‘Make Ups’ section!

iClassPro App
We have a wonderful, easy to use app for parents! The iClass Pro app allows parents to book in make-up classes, mark their child absent, request to transfer their class and book into holiday programs. If you haven’t already, you can download the iClassPro App from your app store and get started right away!
📲 Make sure you search for exactly that – ‘the iClassPro app’.
📲 Then, and this is very important, ensure you put in the correct organisation name, which is ‘twistersgym’ – all lower case and no spaces. You’ll know you’re in the right place because the landing page is purple (if the landing page is red, you’re trying to get into the Canadian Twisters).
📲 Lastly, you just need to pop in your Parent Portal details and you’re set!

Child Safety Corner
Photography within our Facilities
You are welcome to take photos of your child, but we ask that you respect the rights of other individuals and not capture other children in your photos or videos without explicit permission. 
If you’d like to share with us, please use the hashtag #teamtwisters when you post your photos on Facebook or Instagram for a chance to get them featured on Twisters socials!

Important Dates
👉 May 1st | monthly membership fees will be charged
👉 May 22nd to June 4th | mid-year testing will be taking place at all three venues

Get Social!
Do you follow Twisters on Instagram or Facebook? We post throughout the week with exciting gymnast skill features, reminders of gym closures and important information, skill progressions and so much more!
Loads of great content, so come and follow along!
📲 Instagram | @twistersgym
🤳 Facebook | @TwistersGymnastics

Last thing on the docket for today… 🤸🏽‍♂️ We are hiring! 🤸🏽‍♂️
Right now, we are looking for someone to join our awesome administration team!
👉 we are looking for people to join our team at all three venues – Northcote, Showgrounds and Torquay!
👉 you will need to be available for weekday afternoons and weekend work! The hours available vary depending on each location (approximately 20 at Northcote, 20 at Showgrounds, and 15 at Torquay).
👉 our dream candidates will be passionate about working with kids and helping our parents! As a face of Twisters at the front desk, every day is a new adventure!
💜 Working for Twisters comes with plenty of flexibility and learning opportunities. You don’t need to have any previous experience, as we will teach you everything you need to know. We just need you to come with your enthusiasm and willingness to learn!
💜 To apply, please visit twistersgym.com.au/about-twisters/employment-at-twisters/ to fill out the application form, then please send your CV and cover letter to Finlay on admin@twistersgym.com.au.
We look forward to meeting you soon! 🌟

Gymnast of the Month
Congratulations to our April Gymnasts of the Month!

Northcote GoM | Emily

Coach Julia nominated Emily, here is what she had to say…
I nominated Emily for Gymnast of the Month because of her amazing attitude and willingness to learn. She comes to gymnastics with an infectious smile and is always ready to give new skills a try, even if they seem scary at first! Not only is Emily great at listening to instructions and taking on feedback, she makes new gymnasts feel welcome and never fails to bring a smile to all of her peers’ faces! Emily has come so far over the past few months and has worked really hard to master her forward roll and backflip over the boulder! I can’t wait to see what else Emily will achieve in the future – I’m sure it will be something incredible. Keep up the amazing work, Emily!

When did you start gymnastics? 2021
What is your favourite thing about gym? Trampoline
Do you do any other activities? Swimming
What is your favourite movie? Troll Hunters
What is your favourite food? Sausages!
Favourite gymnastics skill? Swinging
What gymnastics skill have you always wanted to learn? Handstand
If you could have any superpower, what would you choose? Fast speed

Northcote GoM | Ariel

Coach Elena nominated Ariel, here is what she had to say…
Ariel comes in every Saturday with a big happy smile on her face. She is always kind and helpful towards other kids in her class and tries her best to put a smile on everyone’s face. Ariel is very strong and brave and willing to try new skills whenever she gets the chance. She is a pleasure to have in my class!

When did you start gymnastics? February 2022
What is your favourite thing about gym? Cartwheel and bunny hop
Do you do any other activities? No
What is your favourite movie? Encanto
What is your favourite food? Chicken nuggets and tomato sauce
Favourite gymnastics skill? Cartwheel and bunny hop
What gymnastics skill have you always wanted to learn? Forwards roll over the bar
If you could have any superpower, what would you choose? To make rainbows
What do you want to be when you are older? Fire engine or doctor

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